FURY! is an interactive, satirical re-imagining of the Medea myth in the delightfully niche and deliciously adult clown style of Bouffon.
Though the style was created by French physical theatre maestro, Jacques Lecoq, the archetype itself exists across time and cultures. It can be seen in the Heyoka of the Lakota People; in Loki, the Trickster God of Norse mythology, and the court jester of Western Europe. Bouffons dwell in the world of the profane, mocking human failings and foibles. Grotesque, outrageous and ridiculous, they shine a comically cruel light in the darkest corners of humanity.
Written and performed by Lauren Bone Noble, the play weaves an intricate tale of ancient myth and contemporary madness. Part grotesque goddess, part impish provocateur, The Clown asks the audience to examine its own delight, revulsion, and complicity in a mad, mad world.
Run time, 45 minutes.